Tyrex | Project

Join the Team

The TYREX research team at Inria Grenoble is at the crossroads of Artificial Intelligence, Data Management, and Programming Languages. Our research spans fundamental theory to practical applications, with current projects including GraphRec on relational learning and neurosymbolic programming, and graph queries. We are actively looking for brilliant and motivated candidates at various levels to join our team.

Research and Engineering Positions

Postdoctoral Research Positions

We offer postdoctoral positions for researchers looking to advance their expertise in neurosymbolic AI, graph-based learning, and scalable query processing. These positions provide opportunities to work on cutting-edge projects in a dynamic research environment.

Research Engineer Positions

We regularly seek research engineers to contribute to our projects. These roles are ideal for those interested in practical implementations of AI and data management techniques.

Doctoral Research: PhD Positions

Each year, the MSTII Doctoral School at UGA offers fully funded PhD scholarships for outstanding MSc graduates. Research topics align with TYREX's focus areas, including graph databases, knowledge extraction, and AI-driven data management. We may also offer fully-funded PhD positions depending on our current projects and partnerships.

Internship Positions

We welcome motivated interns to gain hands-on experience in our research domains. Interns will work on problems related to graph databases, knowledge extraction, and AI-driven data management.

Permanent Research and Academic Positions

Permanent Research Positions

Each year, Inria Grenoble offers multiple permanent research scientist positions for young researchers (junior positions requiring a PhD and postdoctoral experience). CNRS also provides open positions for permanent research scientists every year, with possible integration into the TYREX team. The TYREX team welcomes candidates with expertise in data management, programming languages, artificial intelligence, and related fields.

University Faculty Positions

Academic positions such as Maître de Conférences (assistant professor) and Professeur (full professor) are occasionally open at the University of Grenoble Alpes (UGA), with potential integration into the TYREX team.

Contact Us

For more information about available positions and how to apply, please contact the head of the TYREX team, Pierre Genevès.