Other things
Radio Amateur : 7X2KT (Algerian Call sign with Tarik Khelifi my best Friend) Animator of several DX-African Nets mainly on 7 and 14 Mhz bands.
Electronics : Built with Tarik Khelifi a full featured Transceiver (200 Watts PEP) for (3.5, 7, 14, 21, 28 Mhz) bands.
3 Antennas : W3DZZ (33 meters), Delta Loop, GroundPlane. Visible from 2 km away from my house in Algeria.
My QSL Card :

The animal : the station is home made (took us 3 full time years to complete).
I am taking the picture, Tarik Khelifi is standing in front of the disassembled engine. On the left, two large-band receivers we recovered from the airport out of service device trash. We have been lucky to find them. These are unique receivers, built on 1947 by a french company. They have been used for a long time in the airport main control-station for aircraft airport control. We got them repaired after several years of spare parts hunt.